Join the Lab

We are looking for new members passionate about digital health! See specific details below and reach out to Dr. Frumkin with questions or inquiries (

T32 Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowships in Substance Use and Behavioral Health

The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College is accepting applications for 3 Postdoctoral Research Fellows to join the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health (CTBH), a NIH-NIDA funded Center of Excellence focused on promoting state-of-the-science and state-of-the-technologies related to digital health approaches for substance use, behavioral health, and related conditions. Dr. Frumkin is available to serve as a (co-)mentor. Read more about the fellowship here.

Graduate Training Opportunities

Dr. Frumkin is actively seeking graduate students to join the lab. Trainee interests do not need to match perfectly with current work in the lab, but should include ecological momentary assessment, wearable device data, and/or digital health interventions.

Students interested in graduate training must first be admitted to a graduate program at Dartmouth (e.g., Quantitative Biomedical Sciences, The Dartmouth Institute). Once admitted, there will be opportunities for training in the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, including as a pre-doctoral fellow on the NIH-NIDA T32 focused on interdisciplinary research related to substance use, addiction, and commonly co-occurring mental, behavioral or medical disorders. For more information on graduate training, contact Maddy directly (

Opportunities for Undergraduates

Undergraduate research assistants play a vital role in the research process. The lab is actively seeking students interested in gaining hands-on experience in clinical psychology, data science, and/or digital health. Undergraduate research assistants will work closely with Dr. Frumkin and have the opportunity to contribute to posters and/or publications. Interested students should contact Maddy directly ( 

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